Leaders in Right-mindfulness, Holistic health, Wellness, and Transpersonal development 14+yrs
Pioneering training, education and services in multidisciplinary integral medicine and therapies
Transforming and optimising mental, physical, emotional, and transpersonal health of 30,000+
Time-tested & evidence-based “whole” new approach to health & wellbeing for over a decade
Experts in authentic Mind-body & Heart medicine rooted in timeless ancient wisdom traditions
What is The Flame's 2021 Frequency Medicine ® calendar?
All mental and emotional states generate frequencies that can be either health enhancing, or health deteriorating; causing detrimental impact on our psycho-physiology.
Our calendar provides important 'at a glance' insight into
low frequency mental, emotional, physical and transpersonal/spiritual experiences individuals are likely to be subject to in 2021. We anticipate it's cause, effect & provide appropriate and effective solutions to mitigate the impact of these frequencies and to enhance health and well being. We will be adding our workshop, course and retreat
dates every quarter.
How did we create it?
Based on The Flame's engagement, data analysis and provision of services to individuals at mass scale during 2020. We have anticipated rapid 2021 changes in psychological states, at an individual integral health level (this is also in relation to changes at a societal, national and global level).
2021, the year of chaos where silence, meditation and movement will be the navigator.
Keep scrolling to see our 2021 workshops, courses and retreats calendar
Sunday 10th Jan 2021
10am - 1pm
Online & In-house
Conscious Parenting
Our specialised online “Conscious parenting during Covid crisis workshop” has been specifically designed to meet the needs of those who wish to learn how to manage, reduce and eliminate anxiety & stress to improve parent & child's mental emotional and physical health, and how to reduce risk of infection by strengthening the bodys’ immunity.
Wednesday 27th Jan 2021
6pm - 7pm
Wellness Clinic Session
Holistic Health expert Pushy will be leading evidence-based Wellness and Holistic Health/Medicine sessions. Teaching clients, skilled and practical techniques on how to self regulate, self heal and optimise their mental, emotional and physical health & wellness through various different ancient wisdom based health interventions which have stood the test of time for 5000+ years.
Sunday 31st January 2021
10am - 1pm
Online & In-house
Karuna workshop
The anti-dote to self-destructive behaviour. Bringing together two of the most powerful practices to help individuals overcome destructive behaviour and to develop self-esteem, self-confidence towards a healthy, flourishing self, self image and life style. Karuna helps one to recognise and transform self-limiting barriers and self-destructive habits.
Saturday 6th March 2021
10am - 1pm
Online & In-house
Reduce anxiety & fear workshop
Our expert online “Reducing Anxiety & Fear workshop” has been specifically designed to meet the needs of those who wish to learn how to manage, reduce and eliminate anxiety & stress to improve their mental emotional and physical health.
Saturday 13th March 21
10am - 1pm
Online & In-house
Heart Medicine Workshop
Our Heart Medicine workshop brings together current leading-edge scientific discoveries with the profound wisdom traditions. Science has only recently discovered the heart has its own “brain”, it has over 40,000 specialised cells in heart known as sensory neurites.
Saturday 23rd May 2021
10am - 3pm
Crystal Healing Workshop
Learn the ancestral art of Crystal healing from a renowned expert with nothing less than 10+ years experience. Crystals intuitively and precisely placed on and around the physical body can absorb, focus, direct, detoxify and shift energy to rebalance our bodies into their natural rhythm and aid dis-ease in our energy system
18th June - 20th June
3 day residential retreat
Shropshire Hills
Metta retreat
The Metta Retreat® is a unique retreat combining ancient wisdom with current science by bringing together two of the most powerful foundational practices known for their profound healing, transformational and positive impact on our psychology, emotions, health and well being. Our retreat combines the latest research in the field of human psychology, health and well being with mindfulness and self-compassion based practices.
31st July 2021
10am - 1pm
Online & In-house
Introduction to authentic spirituality (Mysticism – spiritual vision and spiritual intelligence)
“Spirituality” has become an overused word that has been culturally misappropriated with little understanding of what it really means in every lived experiences. Human life, human potential, health and wellbeing are intrinsically linked to spirituality, however, with the overuse and ill definition of spirituality has left many confused, while others unaware of the differences between religion, pseudo-spirituality and authentic-spirituality.
Begins Wednesday 5th May 2021
6pm - 8pm (for 8 weeks)
Online & In-house
MBi 8 week course
Our in-demand, transformational and life-affirming online MBi 8 week course reduces depression and the impact of depression on your health— including lockdown, work related stress, school and exam stress, family stress, financial stress, illness, aging, bereavement, grief and feeling “unsettled or loss of control.”
5th June 2021
10am - 3pm
Heart Intelligence & Intuition (workshop 2)
Our Heart Medicine workshop brings together current leading-edge scientific discoveries with the profound wisdom traditions. Science has only recently discovered the heart has its own “brain”, it has over 40,000 specialised cells in heart known as sensory neurites.
Begins 11th July 2021
Online & In-house
Ancient Feminine Wisdom Series
A profound 4-workshop series that optimises women’s health and wellbeing through ancient feminine wisdom, holistic health practices and indigenous medicine. Experientially, learn how evidence-based ancient wisdom traditions can help women heal, transform and optimise their wellbeing in the modern world.
14th August 2021
10am - 3pm
Online & In-house
Heart Healing & self-regulation (workshop 3)
Our Heart Medicine workshop brings together current leading-edge scientific discoveries with the profound wisdom traditions. Science has only recently discovered the heart has its own “brain”, it has over 40,000 specialised cells in heart known as sensory neurites.
3 day residential retreat
Shropshire hills
Metta retreat
The Metta Retreat® is a unique retreat combining ancient wisdom with current science by bringing together two of the most powerful foundational practices known for their profound healing, transformational and positive impact on our psychology, emotions, health and well being. Our retreat combines the latest research in the field of human psychology, health and well being with mindfulness and self-compassion based practices.
Sunday 29th August 2021
12pm - 3pm
Online & In-house
Crystal Healing Workshop
Learn the ancestral art of Crystal healing from a renowned expert with nothing less than 10+ years experience. Crystals intuitively and precisely placed on and around the physical body can absorb, focus, direct, detoxify and shift energy to rebalance our bodies into their natural rhythm and aid dis-ease in our energy system
1st - 3rd October 2021
3 day residential retreat in Shropshire
Tu Tara Women's Retreat
The Tu Tara Retreat ® has uniquely brought together world class expertise, authentic ancient wisdom and the latest science in human development to deliver a profound experience with positive and transformative impact on our health, wellbeing and personal development.
Increasing studies and research is clearly show the profound healing impact of mindfulness & self-compassion. Self-compassion positively impacts self-esteem, self-worth, and self- care. It heals emotional trauma and significantly reduces anxiety, stress, and harmful emotional states such as anger, guilt, shame, self-criticism and depression.
Starts Wednesday 6th October 2021
6pm - 8pm for 8 weeks
Online & In-house
MBi 8 week course
Reducing, eliminating and preventing depression. Our in-demand, transformational and life-affirming Right-Mindfulness based intervention (MBi) 8 week course reduces depression and the impact of depression on your health— including lockdown, work related stress, school and exam stress, family stress, financial stress, illness, aging, bereavement, grief and feeling “unsettled or loss of control.”
Every Tues: 1.00pm - 2.00pm
Every Thurs: 5.30pm - 6.30pm (also streaming free on FB LIVE)
Every Sunday: FREE FB LIVE 6.00pm
Wisdom, support and guided right-mindfulness meditation class led by Master Dav Panesar, to decrease stress, anxiety and depression, enabling engagement with our present moment circumstances with clarity, calmness and self-awareness.
Every Sunday: 10.00am - 11.00am
Ancient yogic health practice that includes the practice of asanas (yoga postures) and pranayama (breathing exercises), which improves blood circulation, digestive system, chronic pain, improving mental clarity, peace agility and present moment awareness with renowned Yogi Amit, streaming live from the Himalayas in Rishikesh India.
Every Mon: 12.30pm - 1.30pm
Every Weds: 10.30am - 11.30am
A integral combination of ancient eastern wisdom practices using the breath in coordination with flow of dynamic and energetic movements that connects us to our power, health and vitality and to the beauty and sacredness of Creation.Elemental Ch'i Kung (Qi Gong) is an ancient Chinese medicine progressive approach to improving health and mid-body awareness.
Increase self-compassion with Right-Mindfulness Meditation (Every Tues 1pm & Thurs 5.30pm)
Order your ayurvedic herb: Brahmi (for mental clarity, loss of memory and concentration)

Increase heart coherence with Right-Mindfulness Meditation (Every Tues 1pm & Thurs 5.30pm)
Order your Rose Quartz for emotional balancing

Increase life force and vitality with Chi Kung (every Wed 10.30am)
Reduce pain and aches with Chi Yoga (every Mon 12.30pm)
Release tension and increase prana with Traditional Indian Hatha Yoga (every Friday 10am)
Order your Hematite healing crystal
Improve immunity with antioxidant herbal jam Chanwanprash

Increase Spiritual-Intelligence with Mantra Meditation (Every Tues 1pm & Thurs 5.30pm)
Develop greater insight into sense of self with Traditional Indian Hatha Yoga (every Friday 10am)
Increase life force and vitality with Chi Kung (every Wed 10.30am)
Increase shakti, stamina and strength with Kundalini Yoga (Every Mon & Tues 6pm)

We deeply heal and transform individual lives. Our unique experiential retreats are grounded in mindfulness and self-compassion; integrating transpersonal psychology, mind-body medicine
The retreats are intended to help in pragmatic, practical ways, facilitate you in realising and accessing our existing inner resilience and understanding.