Leaders in Right-mindfulness, Holistic health, Wellness, and Transpersonal development 14+yrs
Pioneering training, education and services in multidisciplinary integral medicine and therapies
Transforming and optimising mental, physical, emotional, and transpersonal health of 30,000+
Time-tested & evidence-based “whole” new approach to health & wellbeing for over a decade
Experts in authentic Mind-body & Heart medicine rooted in timeless ancient wisdom traditions
Typical Course Content*
1. General introduction to meditation and mindfulness
2. Understanding and experiencing mind-body connection:
Defining conciousness, awareness, attention and ego-complex
Recognising stress manifestation signs and symptoms
Role of our mind in stress
Learning to respond to stress
Time and stress
3. Knowing your mind:
Understanding ego-complex, mind and conciousness
Function activity of ego-complex
Review of mindfulness and mindlessness
Identification of instances of mindfulness and mindlessness
4. Basic meditation techniques:
Introduction to meditation
Meditation practice on observing your breath
Meditation practice on observing your mind
Discussion of practice on Observing Your Mind and its applications
5. Focused attention:
Breath, our friend
Breath anchor for awareness
Meditation practice on breathing
Introducing mindful activity
6. Arousal states
7. Being in the present moment
8. Nonjudgmental acceptance & Letting go
9. Mindfulness in daily life
10. Self-compassion, being kind to your self
*Subject to change depending upon workshop, course or retreat.