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Health and Wellness Specalist 




Health and Wellness Specialist is a unique and holistic approach to human health that integrates Western and Eastern health models, through the process of the 6 dimensions of wellness cycle and the cultivation of mindfulness.


This health approach is designed to assess where individuals – WE are at this very moment of our life by exploring the conflicts and challenges that affects our health. Not only, our direct human experience to these conflicts and challenges, determines the way we engage with our health on daily basis in all aspects of life, as represented on the Wellness Cycle; but our assumptions, beliefs, and identity divide our ability to promote and prevent a reasonable health.

When, one of these dimensions of wellness happens to be deficient, we probably experience emotional distress such as; stress, anxiety, anger or fear related to a specific aspect of our wellbeing.


For example, being diagnosed with a particular psychological, or physiological illness, i.e depression diabetes, etc… - (Mental, Physical or Emotional dimensions) or simply losing a job - (social dimension) can be a traumatic experience for everyone and can be detrimental to other dimensions of the wellness cycle.


Even, trying to fulfil personal/professional aspirations can be daunting if we do not possess the necessary humane qualities, (i.e. awareness, emotional intelligence, compassion, forgiveness) to clearly develop ourselves by understanding how to maximise our desires and motivations the best we can.

The Health and Wellness Specialist is a service accessible through referral by appointment via the F’lame Coventry based at the city centre. The referral by appointment is the first step for wellness with your Health and Wellness Specialist to establish a comprehensive personal assessment on your general wellbeing, and optimise your decision on the best path to take for a healthier life.


During a free 30 minutes consultation, the Health and Wellness Specialist will help you to design a personalised ‘Health Prescription’ – your second step for wellness to reshape, restore and redefine your health, through an integrated and sustainable programme for human growth.


Once the Health Prescription is designed you can register to a 6 weeks programme – which include 2 free follow up sessions.

Costs of the programme varies:

  • £180 for a Personal Health Prescription Programme (option to pay as you go and 25% reduction for students)


  • From £150 for A Corporate Health Prescription Programme (option pay as you go available)


Stephan’s practical experience of Health and Wellness Consulting begun in 2011 in the West Midlands by enabling his clients to re-establish a tailored life/balance programme, to overcome burnout and fulfil various personal and professional goals. Discovering that many clients suffered from evident mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, unhealthy eating, unwanted habits (smoking, drinking) due to hard economic and social climate causing job loss, relationship strains, and so on… Stephan realised his passion for psychology and mental health.


Stephan has completed a First-Class psychology degree at Coventry University enabling him to work with Coventry Mind as primary health worker, helping service users diagnosed with Bipolar, personality disorders, different spectrum of psychosis, etc…, delivering mental health courses, and involved in various CBT and mindfulness programmes along with psychological wellbeing practitioner. Stemming from this, Stephan is now completing a doctoral research on the role of gender and the effectiveness of Mindfulness based Interventions.


In 2016, Stephan completed an 8 weeks standard course and a mindfulness teaching course. And then since, have taught mindfulness on a part time basis.

However, working closely with the Flame Coventry on various projects and his devotion to follow his teacher’s (Dav Panesar) guidance and traditions for practicing ‘the right mindfulness’, has honed him the trust of the team.  


As a doctoral researcher at Coventry University, Stephan is directly involved in current mindfulness research investigating the effect of gender on the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions. Stephan has identified that to date only a small amount of studies has confirmed that, the use of MBIs in the treatment of Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) are promising for both genders (Katz and Toner 2013).


However, the need for research in this area is owing to the lack of rigour in measuring the relationship between MBIs and gender. More importantly, a strong focus on the context of gender is needed to determine which construct of gender is an attribute to struggle or success for a specific subgroup of men and women in engaging in a mindfulness course.


Additionally, this area of research may offer a new avenue of research in the field of mindfulness, that can be implemented in existing mindfulness interventions across health professions and academic disciplines.


Stephan is also working in collaboration with Bangkok University since March 2017 on a “Comparative study between UK and Thai University Students effect of being Mindful to develop Emotional Intelligence and increase of Academic Performance".





Stephan Calteau 
BSC Hons 1st Class, Mindfulness Teacher, MBPsS, AFHEA
Health and Wellness Specialist at The Flame Coventry
Doctoral Researcher at Coventry University 
Current Research projects:
-    The Role of Gender on the Effectiveness of Mindfulness Based Interventions
-    “Comparative study between UK and Thai University Students effect of being Mindful to develop Emotional Intelligence and increase of Academic Performance".

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© 2010 - 2030  THE FLAME®; Mindfulness, Holistic Health and Wellness Centre.
All rights reserved. The Flame® is a registered trademark. All content and images found on may not be reproduced or distributed without written permission. 


 The Flame, Mindfulness Holistic Health & Wellness centre; has transformed over 30,000+  lives through Right-Mindfulness, Holistic Health and Wellness evidence-based integral health interventions. Address: The Flame, Dot com house, Broomfield place, Coventry, CV5 6GY

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