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Autumn Equinox Retreat®

Date: 14th - 16th September 2018
Venue: The Homestead, Shropshire | Price: £350 | Places: 8 SPACES



About the retreat

The autumn equinox marks the harvest time of a cycle for growth, development and transformation. The Universe operates in cycles and rhythms, there is an energy that enables every moment to unfold, moment to moment, within you and throughout existence in its entirety.


The seeds only germinate and flourish if they are planted in the right season, the Autumn equinox provides us an opportunity to harvest what we need, and prepare for the new spring, new growth and new opportunities. The autumn equinox is to let go off that does not serve your highest self, and to synchronise both within and with the world around.


The Autumn equinox retreat is an opportunity for you to prepare the ground for your desires for the coming year, synchronising with the rhythm of the natural universal energy cycle, so you can grow the seeds of your intentions into the fruits and flowers of desires.

A weekend to clear the old and cultivate the new. A weekend of meditations, ceremonies, music, nature, song, and shamanic journeying. This is a retreat specifically for individuals who may have been meditating for a little while or are looking to discover the next level of self-realisation and self-actualisation.


What will I learn?

·       Learning to synchronise yourself with the natural Universal cycles

·       Opportunity to learn and deepen meditation practices

·       Learn how to regain and maintain your health & healing

·       Learn simple techniques to reduce pain, restore and revive health in your body, peace in your mind, openness and warmth in your heart and uncover your essential self

The evidence-based retreat activities and learning practices will help you:

·       Reduce, manage and eliminate harmful psycho-emotional states such as stress, anxiety, fear and anger (all known to impact immunity)

·       Discover the depth of mindfulness in everyday practice

·       Equip yourself with effective practical skills to help others

The retreat includes all home cooked vegetarian food


Who will be running the retreats?

The retreat will be lead by Davinder Singh Panesar (Dav Panesar): Mindfulness & Symran researcher, teacher and instructor.

Davinder holds degrees in science, business and consciousness studies and transpersonal psychology.

His expertise, experience and ongoing research in mind-body integrative approaches to health, well being and even business have proved to be highly successful and recognised across many parts of the world.


His scientific education combined with practical experience in mindfulness for over 20 years enables him to introduce Eastern meditative and contemplative approaches integrated within the Western psychology and mind-body medicine.

He has successfully developed and delivered numerous programs integrating mindfulness & compassion based approaches for charities, general public and the corporate world.


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 The Flame, Mindfulness Holistic Health & Wellness centre; has transformed over 30,000+  lives through Right-Mindfulness, Holistic Health and Wellness evidence-based integral health interventions. Address: The Flame, Dot com house, Broomfield place, Coventry, CV5 6GY

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