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Golden Milk

Golden Milk benefits include arthritis, sleep, immunity, skin health and mental health. It helps to prevent degenerative brain diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, boosts memory and reduces symptoms of anxiety.


Enjoy an indulgent cup of Ayurvedic Golden Milk, a blend of turmeric, cinnamon, ginger and cardamom. Great for any time of the day or evening.

The Power of a 5000 year old remedy


Maintaining good digestive health is a major step in addressing anxiety or any other health concern. Turmeric’s intrinsic nature enables it to elevate mood and increase cognitive function. 


This Golden milk is easy to prepare and highly palatable, the milk taking most of the spiciness out of the Turmeric. All the health benefits of golden milk are mainly due to the main ingredient present in it, Turmeric. Turmeric contains a special key compound called curcumin. Curcumin is responsible for turmeric’s golden color and its effectivity in various health conditions.

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Image by Osha Key

What do the Golden Milk kits contain?

Key Ingredients





Turmeric and its active ingredient curcumin is responsible for the effectiveness of Golden Milk in memory loss. According to Ayurveda, Turmeric balances all the three Doshas of the body. By virtue of its hotness, it balances Vata and Kapha. Because of its dryness and its pungent and bitter taste, it balances Kapha dosha. Due to its bitterness, it balances Pitta dosha.

Ayurveda also ensures that the properties of milk are beneficial to the mind and body. Milk is considered the best vehicle (anupana) for the body’s seven tissue systems recognized by Ayurveda, called dhatus.3

So, the synergistic effect of Turmeric and milk makes Golden Milk an incredible drink with exceptional benefits in memory loss conditions.





Our Purity Pledge

Hand selected certified organic ingredients were chosen with special care and attention. We source directly from organic farms from all over the world to provide the highest quality ingredients. Rigorous testing is provided by experienced professionals for each specially formulated blend that we produce. Through sourcing and producing products with such care, we proudly continue to create authentic relationships with our customers.

How to Use

Ayurveda Pura’s Ayurvedic Golden Milk comes in a recyclable and eco-friendly packaging preserving the freshness of the organic herbs. Disolve a full teaspoon in a cup of hot water or warm milk.

What is Golden Milk?


Golden Milk scientifically-backed health benefits—it’s loaded with antioxidants, and may reduce inflammation and joint pain, improve memory and brain function, protect against heart disease, lower blood sugar levels, help digestion, improve bone health, and possibly reduce the risk of cancer. Lately, turmeric has finally come to the forefront of therapeutics for the role it plays in benefitting both general mental health and mood—especially anxiety. ⁠ 

Anxiety, or any other kind of stress, can tax agni (the digestive fire). If agni is weak, we are sure to suffer all kinds of imbalances.  Fortunately, turmeric kindles the digestive fire. This action is known as “agni dīpana.”

Maintaining good digestive health is a major step in addressing anxiety or any other health concern. Turmeric’s intrinsic nature enables it to elevate mood and increase cognitive function.

Image by Prachi Palwe

Golden Milk scientifically-backed health benefits—it’s loaded with antioxidants, and may reduce inflammation and joint pain, improve memory and brain function, protect against heart disease, lower blood sugar levels, help digestion, improve bone health, and possibly reduce the risk of cancer.


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 The Flame, Mindfulness Holistic Health & Wellness centre; has transformed over 30,000+  lives through Right-Mindfulness, Holistic Health and Wellness evidence-based integral health interventions. Address: The Flame, Dot com house, Broomfield place, Coventry, CV5 6GY

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