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Ayurvedic Detox & Weight Loss workshop

Implementing Ayurvedic Principles, Concepts

and Diet in Daily Life

Half day workshop

Saturday 13th July 2019

Time: 10am - 2pm

Price: £70.00


Ayurveda is a 5000-year-old Indian holistic medical science based on a deep understanding about the human body as a whole, encompassing the mind, spirit, and emotions. It embraces medical science, philosophy, psychology as well as astrology and astronomy. Yoga and meditation, now widely embraced by westerners, are both key parts of Ayurveda. The central principle of Ayurvedic science is that we are all unique with an individual constitution, and our own physical and psychological nature. Hence the Ayurvedic approach treats all aspects of a person, as anything that affects the mind will affect the body. 


1. Introduction to Ayurved
2. Definitions of Doshas, Different Body Types according to Ayurved.
3. Agni, Ama, Srotas,etc
4. What is a Toxin, Dosha related Toxins, Emotional Toxins
5. Factors responsible for Toxin formation
6. Ayurvedic recommendation for Detox
7. Reasons of Weight Gain
8. Ayurvedic Approach to Weight Loss.
9. Relation between Agni-Ama(Toxin)-And Weight.
10.Diet & Lifestyle recommendations for maintaining ideal health, weight and skin.
11.Ayurvedic Herbs and Treatments for Detox and Weight Loss.
12. Yog practice for Ideal weight.


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The Sanskrit word Ayurveda, means the science or wisdom of life. It is one of the few sciences that treats the individual through a thorough assessment of a person’s unique makeup and circumstances. The individual is examined within the broader context of their life and all factors influencing their wellbeing are taken into consideration. The success of the Ayurvedic tradition comes through the promotion of balanced living and is founded on the principle that nothing functions in isolation. While it is an ancient science from an ancient culture, in today’s throwaway and quick fix culture, the perennial wisdom of seeing the individual as a whole and as part of his or environment, is fundamental to long term, sustainable wellbeing and happiness.


The Vedas are the sacred scriptures of Hinduism. They were composed thousands of years ago, by several seers. Some of the hymns in the Vedas may be 5000-6000 years old, or even older. Hindus believe that the Vedas are eternal and vibrate eternally in the higher realms of the world of Brahman. They manifest at the beginning of every cycle of creation for the welfare of the world.


The Vedas help humans to know their essential nature, and return from their embodied, limited state as bound souls (jivas) to their eternal state as liberated souls. They also help humans to invoke the power of gods to deal with the problems of the mortal world, death and disease. Hence, they are considered invaluable for the material and spiritual wellbeing of the world.



Kewal Singh Talwadia


Kewal is a Ayurvedic consultant whose expertise lie deep in his lineage and his roots. Born in India, Kewal, taught by vedic masters started to learn about the ancient Ayurvedic system when he was a child. He now has over 20 years experience consulting and sharing Ayurveda. He believes that in the the modern world it is vitally important to share the original knowledge of Ayuverda in order for  individuals to foster a balanced way of living. 




Methodist Church

Coventry City Centre


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