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The Flame provides a WHOLE new approach to health and well-being like you have never seen before. We authentically break convention and have helped over 30,000+ people regain control of their physical, mental and emotional health with no government funding. We teach individuals how to self-heal without chemical intervention. 
Just see for yourself...

Weekly Mindfulness Sessions

Total amount of people introduced to Mindfulness based health intervention8000+2011 - 2019

Mindfulness Events

15,000people introduced to Mindfulness based health intervention-----------------2016 Mindfulness and Personal TransformationCoventry UniversityCase studiesattendence 7502015 Mindfulness and neuroscience
Oxford university
Case studies
attendance 7002014 Mindfulness and Self compassion
Clinical practitioner
Case studies
attendance 3452013 Mindfulness at Coventry Cathedral
Case Studies
attendance 225

Public Library Mindfulness sessions

Total amount of people introduced to Mindfulness based health intervention3000+ 2014-2016

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