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The Flame Centre is actively engaged in mindfulness focused research with scholars and practitioners in a number of areas including:-:


  • Mindfulness and Extraordinary Experiences:

        The purpose of the study is to identify and categorise the variety of meaningful “extraordinary experiences” experienced by practitioners of mindfulness  


  • Mindfulness & contra indications:
    The purpose of the study is to explore the range of contraindication experienced by practitioners of mindfulness, and identifying appropriate support structures

  • Mindfulness & Gender Differences: 
    The purpose of the study is to explore whether gender difference is a potential factor that affects men’s and women’s responsiveness to adhering to an 8 weeks standard mindfulness course.


The Flame is a centre that povides access to participants who have been engaged in Mindfulness practice with varying lengths of time (beginners, medium and advance)


The Flame are working institutions such as with Coventry university in organising events, conferences and participanting in research in the field of Mindfulness, health, well-being, spirituality & self and consiousness and transpersonal physcology. 






MSc Consciousness Studies & Transpersonal Psychology

Director Institute of Mindfulness and Transpersonal Psychology, Gurmat & Mindfulness Therapist & Teacher,,


Dav is a highly experienced and specialist in mind-body medicine, right-mindfulness & transpersonal psychology based psychotherapy. He has been pioneering mindfulness based health intervention for over 25 years. His expertise in Eastern psychological models for health and wellbeing, together with mindfulness, mind-body science and psychology has proved highly effective in addressing the root causes of depression, anxiety, trauma and stress, in addition to enabling individuals to actualise and realise their human potential towards self-realisation and self-sovereignty. His contemporary approach has made his interventions highly effective and sought after.



Reader in Cognitive and Biological Psychology and Lead for Brain, Belief & Behaviour-Coventry University


 'My primary research explores the biological roots and psychological impact of beliefs and spiritual practices, including meditation. I use a combination of experimental methods from social and biological psychology, personality theory, and cognitive neurosciences. I am currently writing about the effects of meditation and conducting new research on the modification of beliefs.'



DPhil Experimental Psychology - Post Doctoral Researcher

Oxford University


'Broadly, my current research focuses on 'mood instability' - the tendency for moods to change rapidly, and problematically, in some individuals. By understanding the nature of mood instability more clearly, and the impact it has on people's lives, we hope to better understand conditions like bipolar disorder and boderline personality disorder.'


Psychotherapist - Linktherapy London UK


Eduardo is a psychotherapist with qualifications in psychology, adult and child psycho therapy. He has over 30 years experience in private and public sector practice, including the NHS. He has worked in Europe and South America and can offer therapy in English and Spanish. Eduardo is a member of the medical section of the Three Faiths
Forum, The Council of Christians and Jews and the Professional Advisory
Committee of the Arbours Crisis Centre.

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All rights reserved. The Flame® is a registered trademark. All content and images found on may not be reproduced or distributed without written permission. 


 The Flame, Mindfulness Holistic Health & Wellness centre; has transformed over 30,000+  lives through Right-Mindfulness, Holistic Health and Wellness evidence-based integral health interventions. Address: The Flame, Dot com house, Broomfield place, Coventry, CV5 6GY

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