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Transpersonal Forum

1st forum: 9th May 2020

2nd forum: 5th Sep 2020


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The Flame Centre for Mindfulness, holistic health and wellness are establishing a TRANSPERSONAL FORUM platform, that is designed to provide a safe and supportive space for individuals wishing to explore spirituality, consciousness and human transformation.

The TRANSPERSONAL FORUM has been created to explore the spiritual dimension within individuals, integrating psychology and spirituality, by exploring dimensions of consciousness and human experience, including the nature of personal identity extending beyond the personality

Transpersonal means beyond the personal. The transpersonal is a term used to describe experiences and worldviews that extend beyond the personal level of the psyche, and beyond mundane worldly events.

What's it all about?

TRANSPERSONAL FORUM platform brings together individuals who are and have experiences beyond the accepted norms of “reality”, these include channelling, mediumship, OBE (out of body experiences), NDE (near death experiences), precognition abilities, past life experiences.  

The TRANSPERSONAL FORUM is place for mystics, shamans, channelers, mediums, meditators and those with experience or interest in the area of human potential, human development, spirituality and consciousness.

What to expect


Transpersonal means beyond the personal. The transpersonal is a term used to describe experiences and worldviews that extend beyond the personal level of the psyche, and beyond mundane worldly events.

Transpersonal psychology is a study of human growth and development. It uses positive influences, rather than the diseased human psyche and our defences, as a model for the realization of human potential.


How does the Transpersonal Forum work?

  • Bimonthly meeting

  • Newsletter

  • Special guests

  • Introduction to practices

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 The Flame, Mindfulness Holistic Health & Wellness centre; has transformed over 30,000+  lives through Right-Mindfulness, Holistic Health and Wellness evidence-based integral health interventions. Address: The Flame, Dot com house, Broomfield place, Coventry, CV5 6GY

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