Leaders in Right-mindfulness, Holistic health, Wellness, and Transpersonal development 14+yrs
Pioneering training, education and services in multidisciplinary integral medicine and therapies
Transforming and optimising mental, physical, emotional, and transpersonal health of 30,000+
Time-tested & evidence-based “whole” new approach to health & wellbeing for over a decade
Experts in authentic Mind-body & Heart medicine rooted in timeless ancient wisdom traditions
Introduction to authentic spirituality (Mysticism – spiritual vision and spiritual intelligence)
“Spirituality” has become an overused word that has been culturally misappropriated with little understanding of what it really means in every lived experiences. Human life, human potential, health and wellbeing are intrinsically linked to spirituality, however, with the overuse and ill definition of spirituality has left many confused, while others unaware of the differences between religion, pseudo-spirituality and authentic-spirituality.
Date: 31st July 2021
Time: 10am - 1pm
Price: £75.00
Venue: In-house at The Flame & Online
Authentic-spirituality is a universal phenomenon experienced by many human beings all around the world.

What to expect?
This workshop has been specially designed to explore authentic-spirituality. The workshop will cover a range of topics including:-
What is the difference between religion, pseudo-spirituality and authentic-spirituality?
How is authentic-spirituality related to our health (Spiritual health)?
How spirituality help in times of health crisis and death.
What is Mysticism?
Dangers associated with pseudo-spirituality
Authentic-spirituality is a universal phenomenon experienced by many human beings all around the world. In other words, human beings have similarities; and in most of them, spirituality is the sense of common and the mysterious part of human nature consisting of a set of values, attitudes, and understanding related to the transcendental self, which directs it and deals with experiences that elevate it in other dimensions. There is spirituality in the inside and outside world of human. Therefore, spiritual is not only a dimension per se, but also affects other dimensions.
Spiritual Intelligence
The importance of spirituality and the spiritual dimension of health in healthcare has considerably increased in the past decades.
The critical attributes extracted for spiritual health included transcendence, purposefulness and meaningfulness, faithfulness, harmonious interconnectedness, integrative power, multidimensionality, and holistic being.
Besides, the antecedents of spiritual health included capability and potentiality for transcendence, and spiritual awareness (spiritual vision and spiritual intelligence).
Spiritual Intelligence is the Intuitive knowledge of the Self.

We are all connected; To each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically.
Master Dav Panesar BSc (Hons) MRSC MCIM MSc.
Specialist in transforming personal and transpersonal health, wellness and actualizing human potential. Master Dav Panesar is scientist, (chemist & Microbiologist), transpersonal psychologist, holds a Masters in Consciousness studies & Transpersonal Psychology and the founder of Gurmat Psycho-spiritual therapy. He is an international specialist in mind-heart-body medicine, a pioneer of mindfulness & contemplative based health intervention with over 30+ years’ experience and a an internationally recognised expert in transpersonal (psycho-spiritual) & transformative health and wellness medicine.
This expertise and experience in developing, teaching and working with heart, mind and consciousness based approaches and models for whole-health has earned him international respect and recognition, making him and his approaches highly sought after.
Master Dav is the founder of Gurmat Psychology, a psycho-spiritual framework created over the past 30 years within the field of consciousness-based approach to optimising physical, mental, emotional and transpersonal or psycho-spiritual health, wellbeing and human-evolution. More information can be accessed here.