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The RiSE initiative is provided as a service. Please consult your health/medical professional if you have any concerns before starting this. 

While the information contained within the site has been checked, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this website is complete.

The materials contained on this website are provided for general information purposes only and do not constitute legal or other professional advice on any subject matter.  

Permission is given for the downloading and temporary storage of one or more of these pages for the purpose of viewing on a personal computer. The contents of this site are protected by copyright under international conventions and, apart from the permission stated, the reproduction, permanent storage, or retransmission of the contents of the RiSE content is prohibited without the prior written consent of The-Flame Centre. 

This website and its contents are provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.


In rare situations, meditation has been associated with bringing to consciousness unresolved issues, uncomfortable psychological content, if you have any doubts please consult your medical professional before embarking on the RiSE meditation program. 


By engaging with the RiSE content, participant accept full and complete responsibility for their health and wellbeing. 

Reproduction, distribution, republication, and/or retransmission of material contained within this website is prohibited without written permission.

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© 2010 - 2030  THE FLAME®; Mindfulness, Holistic Health and Wellness Centre.
All rights reserved. The Flame® is a registered trademark. All content and images found on may not be reproduced or distributed without written permission. 


 The Flame, Mindfulness Holistic Health & Wellness centre; has transformed over 30,000+  lives through Right-Mindfulness, Holistic Health and Wellness evidence-based integral health interventions. Address: The Flame, Dot com house, Broomfield place, Coventry, CV5 6GY

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