Leaders in Right-mindfulness, Holistic health, Wellness, and Transpersonal development 14+yrs
Pioneering training, education and services in multidisciplinary integral medicine and therapies
Transforming and optimising mental, physical, emotional, and transpersonal health of 30,000+
Time-tested & evidence-based “whole” new approach to health & wellbeing for over a decade
Experts in authentic Mind-body & Heart medicine rooted in timeless ancient wisdom traditions
JAN 2019
Ancient Feminine Wisdom Series
27th Jan 2019
A profound 4-workshop series that optimises women’s health and wellbeing through ancient holistic practices and
indigenous medicine. Learn how ancient wisdom practices can help women heal, transform and optimise their wellbeing in the modern world. Our series is taught by renowned women's health experts in holistic health uncovers the ancient secrets that optimise women's health.
£120 in total
FEB 2019
Internal Health Workshop London
24rd Feb 2018
The Internal health workshop provides a full and sustainable solution to enhancing internal psychological and emotional health, while providing effective solutions and practical guidance to prevent mental and emotional ill health. Internal health workshops can provide a complete progression route to effectively reduces stress, improves productivity, and - most importantly - quality of life and relationships. nous medicine
Internal Health Workshop Birmingham
The Internal health workshop provides a full and sustainable solution to enhancing internal psychological and emotional health, while providing effective solutions and practical guidance to prevent mental and emotional ill health. Internal health workshops can provide a complete progression route to effectively reduces stress, improves productivity, and - most importantly - quality of life and relationships.

MARCH 2019
Detox and Weight Loss with Ayurveda
2nd March 2019
A profound half-day workshop on the 5000-year-old complex system of Ayurveda which embraces medical science, philosophy, psychology as well as astrology and astronomy.

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction – MBSR 8 week course
6th March 2019
MBSR is a course delivered over 8 sessions and followed by either a one day-long retreat or a weekend retreat. This is a highly participatory and life affirming practical course taught by leading Mindfulness expert Dav Panesar.

The Spring Equinox Retreat
29th March - 31st March 2019
Is it time for you to take control of your life, your growth, development and health?
Is it time for renewal?
Set in beautiful ancient hills and moors of cryosphere with like-minded people come together to synchronize themselves with the natural universal energies.
Who is this retreat for?
This retreat is perfect for anyone who has a basic understanding of meditation and spirituality.
APRIL 2019
Consciousness & culture research group workshop
27th April 2019
Once trapped within a system that demands constant self-optimization according to the standards of the majoritarian order, peoples’ lives have become increasingly debilitated through depression and related psychic illnesses, and dependent on a model of mental health that primarily serves the agendas of drug companies and conventional medicine. This is the second in a series of workshops bringing together scholars and practitioners to explore alternative models of treatment and well being arising from ‘heritage knowledge systems’.
£95.00 (Early bird discount)
MAY 2019
Internal Health Workshop London
3rd May 2019
The Internal health workshop provides a full and sustainable solution to enhancing internal psychological and emotional health, while providing effective solutions and practical guidance to prevent mental and emotional ill health. Internal health workshops can provide a complete progression route to effectively reduces stress, improves productivity, and - most importantly - quality of life and relationships. n

The Metta Retreat®
24th - 26th May 2019
The Metta Retreat® is a unique retreat combining ancient wisdom with current science by bringing together two of the most powerful foundational practices known for their profound healing, transformational and positive impact on our psychology, emotions, health and well being.
JUNE 2019
Ayurvedic retreat
June 7th - June 9th 2019
A profound 3 day detox retreat rooted in the 5000-year-old complex system of Ayurveda which embraces medical science, philosophy, psychology as well as astrology and astronomy. Retreat includes Yoga, Ayurvedic Massages, Ayurvedic detox food and a weekend of healing.
Tu Tara Tu Tara Women's Retreat®
28th - 30th June 2019
This unique and exclusive retreat has been designed to follow on from the Re-Evolution Retreat. Grounded in the fields of transpersonal psychology and consciousness studies integrating Eastern wisdom traditions including Chinese medicine, acupuncture, chi gong with Mindfulness and Symran (Mantra and sacred sound mindfulness) this retreat provides you with the opportunity to reflect, re-discover and re-evaluate your life from a different perspective, identify opportunities and processes to reshape your life and sense of 'Self' with renewed levels of authenticity.
JULY 2019
Crystal Healing workshop
Saturday 6th July
Learn the ancestral art of Crystal healing from a renowned expert with nothing less than 10+ years experience. Crystals intuitively and precisely placed on and around the physical body can absorb, focus, direct, detoxify and shift energy to rebalance our bodies into their natural rhythm and aid dis-ease in our energy systems.
Ox Herder
Begins 3rd August 2019
A unique practical workshop led by experts in mindfulness and psychotherapy to explore, guide and enable you to discover the path to their own centre. The workshop will focus on “The Ox herder”, a Zen approach taking participants through ten stages and states of personal journey and self discovery, arriving at their centre.
£30.00 per session / £300 total
£30 per session / £300 total
A Mindful Path to Spiritual Intelligence Retreat
16th August - 18th August 2019
A mindful path to Spiritual intelligence provides you with a gateway to discover your own sense of sacredness, through awakened wisdom. This unique retreat is designed to enable participants to break through the mental and emotional blindness that obscures the mystery, joy and wonderment of being alive in this day and age.

SEP 2019
The Metta Retreat®
6th September - 8th September 2019
The Metta Retreat® is a unique retreat combining ancient wisdom with current science by bringing together two of the most powerful foundational practices known for their profound healing, transformational and positive impact on our psychology, emotions, health and well being.
OCT 2019
7TH ANNUAL EVENT: Mindfulness and ________ 2019
£7.50 per person

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction - MBSR 8 week course
Begin 23rd October 2019
MBSR is a course delivered over 8 sessions and followed by either a one day-long retreat or a weekend retreat. This is a highly participatory and life affirming practical course taught by leading Mindfulness expert Dav Panesar.

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictive Behaviours - workshop
Mindfulness enables individuals to take control of our reactions when confronted with psychological and physiological triggers that underlie addictive behavior. Mindfulness practice empowers one to exercise choice and will to respond to triggers to addictive behavior.
This workshop provides both theoretical and experiential learning in the application of mindfulness within the context of addictive behaviours. The workshop will include short lectures followed by experiential practice.
Who would benefit from this workshop?
Individuals who work with or those interested in the application of mindfulness to address addictive behaviours. Addictive behaviour is present everywhere, from automatic reactions to sweet foods, right through to physiologically dependent addictive reactions.

NOV 2019
Ox Herder Retreat®
29th Nov - 1st Dec 2019